Saturday 14 April 2012

Which Flag Should Fly At Stormont?

Great show yesterday kid. Tommy my cat, looked in at the small, replica Titanic, lying at the bottom of the gold fish bowl and said,
"What a lovely human being Phil Coulter is! A great pianist, middling singer and rollicking raconteur. I want the record to show that Tommy Cat, is a big fan of Phil Coulter."
"Me too!" I yelled. "I was one of the few who followed him through his, Boom, Bang-a Bang years. Phil Coulter brought tranquility into my life. What's more," I roared, "I will be lobbying her Majesty with a view to conferring a knighthood on the elephant,ivory tinkler."
"Sir Phil Coulter," mused Tommy. "It doesn't have a ring to it, but it will have to do!"
I couldn't put it off any longer. I sat Tommy down on his classical, guitar stool and said, "Tommy, I have a question of the utmost importance to ask you. Your answer could well determine the future of Ulster. Your answer could kill the Titanic cash cow and send the price of special mince and licorice shoe laces through the roof."
Tommy, popped a Librium and said, "Bring it on!" I paced the floor, stopped when I came to the wall and yelled,
"Tommy cat, which flag should fly over Stormont???"
Quick as a flash Tommy replied, "The only flag which should fly over Stormont is.....The Skull and Crossbones." Tommy continued, "Stormont is a safe haven for pirates, be it Jack Sparrow, aka, Peter Robinson, Orlando Bloom, Martin McGuinness or blind Pugh, Jim Allister.".
Once again Tommy had came through and cracked it with a capital K.
Street parties flared up like bush fires when the news came through that Northern Ireland Nil, were rated the 100th best football team in the world.
"It's all good!" reported Steven Watson. "The way I see it, the glass is 100% empty. This gives Northern Ireland Nil, time to rebuild, regroup, regenerate and read, "Football for Dummies.".
As the skull and crossbones flew over Stormont, Tommy and I stood with wooden legs, parrots on our shoulders and yelled, "OOH ARR, Jim lad!"
Jim Rodgers, going by on a ride on lawn mower, lifted his cloth cap and drawled, "Morning Neighbour."

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