Wednesday 24 November 2010


Great shows this week kid.
Tommy my cat peeped out at me from the Ann Summer's drawer and said,
"So, Mr Coyle is climbing the corporate ladder with a new extended show. The word in the hood is,that Ken Doherty hammered a steel spike into the ground behind radio Foyle,so Mr Coyle could chain his 1952 Raleigh bicycle to it."
"PERKS!" I cried. "Mr Coyle is receiving perks from the BBC. Today a steel spike, tomorrow, red braces, better known in the Bogside as galluses,and his own special monogrammed toilet paper with a likeness of Charlie Landsborough printed on it."
The lad's on his way up," said Tommy. "Why, he's only a hop, skip and shuffle away from Newsnight or How clean is your Cesspit?"
And so we leave Mr Coyle and move on to Tubby Nolan.
I couldn't believe it! There,in the middle of a circle of Japanese tourists was Tubby Nolan demonstrating,in graphic detail,how elephants pluck leaves from trees with their trunk.
"PUT IT AWAY!" I yelled."PUT IT AWAY!"
Tubby picked up his little Henry the hoover, grabbed the flexible hose and slunk off in a huff.
"AH-SO!" said a Japanese tourist.
"Yes," I said sadly."Ah-so, belly, thighs and face all made from 100% Ulster lard."
"Make velly good sushi," said an old, withered Kamikaze pilot with 627 successful missions behind him.
"Clear off Honda," I yelled,"or I'll book you a one-way ticket home on Ryan Air!"
The old Kamikaze fell to his knees screaming,

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