Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Who Took Our wheel?

Was it not Viv Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band who posed the question,
"Can blue men sing the whites?"
Yes it was! So now we have that out of the way.
Great show yesterday Kid. It reminded me of Normandy. You went in at dawn,caught the blighters with their pants down and were home in time for tea.
I hear Mr Coyle caught one. No VC for a jacksy wound. People who were shot in "nicer" places would complain.
"It will be all over by Christmas," said Winston Churchill.
"You wot?" I yelled. "You wot? What will be all over by Christmas? The war?"
"No," said Churchill, "Advent."
"Go and build a wall!" I yelled. "Yeh,put on your boiler suit and go and build a wall, you old--silly socks.".
Tommy my cat entered stage right
Tommy pointed with a rigid digit and yelled,
"HOI! YOU! Yes you! The old bag who is doing a good impersonation of a pot bellied stove. Where is my breakfast? Correct me if I'm wrong,but the table seems completely devoid of scaldies or sardines. What do you do all day? What do you do all day eh?
Why, you are nothing more than a shambling, shuffling Fagin-like figure,with the vile, ugly features of a giant Sloth."
Startled, stunned and senescent I yelled, "SQUIGGLERS!" and leapt into the turret of my Chieftain tank. As I swung the big gun round,I knocked the child of Prague off the mantle-piece. When I had Tommy in the cross hairs I pressed the trigger. He ducked and the North/West wall of my abode disappeared,leaving me a lovely view of the big wheel.
Tommy and I stood there,hands clutched tightly round each others throats.
"I shall miss the big wheel," said Tommy with a sob in his voice.
"So shall I," I said,with a glob of phlegm in my voice.
Suddenly, I yelled, "Antelopes and Ankles, Tommy!" I screamed, "Do my tired old eyes deceive me? Or is the big wheel-MOVING?"
Tommy ran for a pair of binoculars.
"Those are German binoculars," I yelled. "Everything you see will be in German."
"Don't worry," cried Tommy. "I shall translate everything I see in German into English. I have been taking night classes every morningTHE BIG WHEEL IS MOVING!" yelled Tommy. "A man with a stick is rolling the big wheel out of Belfast like a hoop."
"It's the Derry wans!" I yelled. "The Derry wans are stealing our big wheel."
"Let them have it!" said Tommy. "Does it not say in the Bible.
"And lo,before the end of days,even the wretched people of the Bogside got a spin on a big wheel and praised the Lord mightily."
If you were travelling on the M1 last night and saw a man with a stick guide the big wheel down the motorway,phone Wendy Austin. But phone after the 6th pip, not after the first pip. Wendy can be very precious when it comes to her-pips.
Back to the studio now, where Mr Coyle has taken the back door off and is going to dance the, "Bonney Wee Maid from Fife" with Emma and Janet,accompanied by Gerry on his little red kazoo.
This should be good. I hope I don't die and miss it!.

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